Author Guidelines

The Froebel Ireland Journal of Child-Centred Education

The Froebel Journal of Child-Centred Education welcomes submission from anyone interested in progressive practice. Submissions with a wide international representation are welcome and articles from practitioners, researchers, and scholars from developing nations are especially welcomed. Authors are requested to avoid the use of jargon and technical terms without accompanying explanation and to be sensitive to the international audience of the journal. Standard stylistic conventions and form should be followed.

Main articles should describe research, theory, and practice in the above-mentioned areas or describe initiatives in primary teacher education at undergraduate or graduate level. They should be up to 6000 words in length. Shorter articles, of up to 2500 words, presenting information of general interest are welcome. Other articles, commentary, book reviews, and correspondence are also welcome and will be published at the discretion of the General Editor. Prospective authors of the latter should contact the General Editor to enquire about suitability.

It is the policy of the Froebel Journal to consider for publication only articles that are not simultaneously being considered elsewhere. Please follow these guidelines in preparing your manuscript for submission.

  1. Authors should submit three copies of the manuscript, including a one-page abstract. Manuscripts will be returned only if a stamped, self-addressed envelope is included at the time of submission.
  2. Manuscripts are refereed anonymously. The author’s name must appear only on the title page; any references that identify the author in the text must be deleted.
  3. Submissions that exceed the suggested length will be returned to the author (see number 1 above).
  4. All text must be double-spaced, type size must be at least 12 point, and a 1 inch margin on both sides should be provided.
  5. Quotes longer than 45 words should be extracted in the text, unless editorial demands require different formatting.
  6. References should be listed in full at the end of the paper in alphabetical order of author’s names, and following the standards of style in professional educational journals. For example:

Reagan, A. (1999). Classroom Management. (3rd edition). London: David Fulton.

Report of Educational Review Committee (1995). Principles of Primary Practice (The SERC Report). Dublin: DES.

Griffin, P., & Howard, A. (1999). Philosophy of primary education. British Journal of Special Education. 26(1), 47-97.

McDuff, T. (1997) ‘Creating common practice in education’, in D. Gestwald (ed.) Review of Research in Education (Volume 22)

Washington DC: American Educational Research Association.

Illustration, tables and figures should be numbered consecutively (e.g. Figure 1, Table 1, Table 2, etc.) and submitted on separate sheets. The approximate position of tables and figures should be indicated in the manuscript. Tables and figures should be kept to a minimum

Avoid the use of footnotes when at all possible.

Authors are encouraged to minimise the use of underlining, parentheses, italics, and quotation marks for emphasis in the text.

Manuscript submissions should be sent to the General Editor at the Froebel College. Please send three copies of the manuscript. An electronic copy of the manuscripts can be forwarded in Microsoft Word format via email. Each main article should be accompanied by a 500 word abstract.

Manuscripts are subject to blind peer review, authors should identify themselves only on the title page and cover letter. The cover letter should confirm that the manuscript is original work, not under consideration for publishing, or having been published elsewhere.

For additional information

Please contact the General Editor at Froebel College of Education

General Editor: David J. Carey, Froebel College of Education, Sion Hill, Blackrock, Co. Dublin, Ireland. Phone: +353 (0) 1 2888520. Fax: +353 (0)1 2880618. Email:

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